Royal Astronomical Society governance
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Explanation and recommendations
Proposed changes to the Society's Charter are minimal, as follows:
The object of the Society (its charitable purpose)
At the moment, this does not specifically mention Geophysics. Although there is a case for saying that the term "astronomy" includes geophysics, Council thinks it would be clearer and therefore better if a reference to Geophysics is added. The object would then read:
"The promotion and encouragement of Astronomy and Geophysics more particularly by the publication of the results of astronomical research, the maintenance of an astronomical library, and the holding of meetings."
The Society does not currently have an explicit power dealing with the process of dissolution of the Society. It is very unusual not to have such a power. Although it is extremely unlikely that the Society will close down, the Charity Commission and the Privy Council have stated that they prefer charities to have this dissolution clause. This is to avoid litigation and confusion if this situation does occur.
Reference to the President Elect
The Charter also does not make any reference to the President-Elect. This is a gap, as the President Elect is considered a trustee but the Charter contains no provision for this.
The proposed changes are, therefore:
- to insert a reference to Geophysics
- to insert a standard dissolution clause, and
- to add the President-Elect to the list of people whom the Charter identifies as the trustees.
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